Case Study: How Conduit Transformed Encore’s Dock Scheduling Operations and Scalability

Executive Summary

Encore Glass, a nearly 50-year-old company, faced significant challenges in its warehouse operations, primarily due to a chaotic appointment scheduling and driver check-in system. With the recent appointment of Stephanie Wallis as the Logistics and Warehousing Manager in 2022, Encore Glass sought a solution to bring order and efficiency to its operations. By adopting Conduit’s dock appointment system, Encore Glass achieved:

• Enhanced predictability and control over warehouse operations.

• Improved prioritization and planning capabilities.

• Better performance from external partners.

• Greater cross-team visibility of purchase orders.

• The ability to scale operations efficiently.


Encore Glass, under the leadership of Stephanie Wallis, was grappling with inefficiencies in its receiving operations. The company relied on an outdated Excel spreadsheet for appointment scheduling, leading to a “free-for-all” environment at the warehouse docks. This case study explores how Conduit’s dock appointment system transformed Encore Glass’s operations, bringing structure, efficiency, and improved communication both internally and with external partners.

Challenges Faced

Uncontrolled Appointment Scheduling

Encore Glass’s appointment scheduling system was chaotic and inefficient. The lack of control over scheduling appointments led to unpredictability and stress for the warehouse staff. Wallis described the situation as a “free-for-all,” where the company blindly accepted appointments without understanding its receiving hours or capacity.

Inefficient Driver Check-in Process

The disorganized scheduling system resulted in a cumbersome and inefficient driver check-in process. Drivers often showed up at their convenience, leading to miscommunications and operational disruptions.

Poor Visibility and Communication

The lack of a structured system meant that Encore Glass had limited visibility into incoming shipments. This often resulted in surprises when products arrived damaged or incomplete, disrupting production schedules and causing further inefficiencies.

Solution Implementation

Transition to Conduit

Encore Glass quickly transitioned its appointment scheduling to Conduit, moving away from the unreliable Excel spreadsheet. Wallis noted the ease of this transition, stating, “[Conduit] took over our Excel spreadsheet really quickly…. As soon as we got it off the ground, everyone just hit the ground running.”

Improved Scheduling and Check-in Process

Conduit brought much-needed structure and predictability to Encore Glass’s operations. The system allowed for better control over appointment scheduling, ensuring that products were received and processed efficiently. Wallis emphasized the benefits of this structured approach, saying, “Our ability to really give appointments, even just setting the load length [and] dwell time […] ensures that the product is clean [and] good before it gets put away in inventory.”

Enhanced Forecasting and Planning

With Conduit, Encore Glass gained the ability to better forecast and plan their operations. The system provided the data needed to make smarter staffing decisions and avoid over- or under-staffing. Wallis explained, “We now know the max number of appointments we can allow during normal conditions. And then we can tailor the [staffing] schedule accordingly, if we need to amp it up or reduce it down.”


Increased Operational Efficiency

The implementation of Conduit led to a significant improvement in operational efficiency at Encore Glass. The structured scheduling and check-in process reduced chaos and allowed the warehouse staff to focus on their tasks without unnecessary disruptions. Wallis noted, “It really gives us the power to say, ‘Yeah, you didn’t check in first,’ or ‘you didn’t check in on time. You’re late. I’ve got to service this [truck] first.’”

Better Vendor Performance

Conduit also improved the performance of Encore Glass’s external partners. Vendors were held accountable for their appointment adherence, leading to more disciplined and reliable operations. Wallis shared, “[Conduit] really forced [Encore’s vendors] to examine their processes and how they’ve abused our appointment system in the past.”

Improved Cross-team Collaboration

Conduit facilitated better collaboration between different teams at Encore Glass, particularly in managing purchase orders. The system provided visibility into incoming shipments, allowing teams to address discrepancies before they became issues. Wallis explained, “Now, everyone can see what’s coming in total and know that there’s a discrepancy or deviation before it’s too late.”


The ability to scale operations was another significant benefit of Conduit’s system. Encore Glass doubled its warehouse capacity, and the transition to managing a larger operation was seamless with Conduit. Wallis highlighted the ease of scaling, saying, “We don’t have to worry about the receiving schedule because we have that locked in, and it was really simple to build that new location.”


The adoption of Conduit’s dock appointment system has been a game-changer for Encore Glass. The system brought much-needed order and efficiency to their warehouse operations, improved vendor performance, and enhanced cross-team collaboration. The ability to scale seamlessly has positioned Encore Glass for continued growth and success.

Stephanie Wallis’s advice for other companies considering modernizing their warehouse operations is to stay in touch with the warehouse staff and understand their challenges. Based on her experience, she highly recommends Conduit, stating, “There’s definitely some other companies that come to mind that could benefit from it. It’s been wonderful.”

Encore Glass’s experience demonstrates the significant impact that an efficient dock appointment system can have on warehouse operations and overall business performance. As they continue to grow, Conduit will remain a vital partner in their journey, helping them adapt to changing demands and achieve their long-term goals.

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Learn how to seamlessly manage your warehouse logistics from gate to yard to dock.

Learn how to seamlessly manage your warehouse logistics from gate to yard to dock.

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